Episode #4

 In this episode of the invisible marketer podcast, I sit down with Deb Monfette. Deb is an amazing Business and Creative Coach.

In today’s episode, Deb talks about her one of a kind quiz "What is your #1 Marketing Genius for Attracting New Clients?". She also shares how her unique process helps her clients to get a better understanding of the gaps in their business. As a fellow introvert, Deb also shares her story of how she is able to operate her business around her strengths.

How to connect with Deb:



Take the Quiz: What is your #1 Marketing Genius for Attracting New Clients?

"You don't need a huge following if you have the right following."

-Deborah Monfette

Join us as we dive into the transformative advice from Deb Monfette, an experienced business and creative coach. Deb’s approach focuses on simplifying business operations and aligning them with one’s trengths to attract and delight ideal clients.With that said, here are seven actionable tips to revolutionize your marketing efforts and enrich your entrepreneurial journey.


1. Adapting to Changes in Social Media:

Deb Monfette emphasizes the importance of staying agile and responsive to the ever-changing dynamics of social media. She points out that a massive following is less important than a dedicated one, stating, “You don’t need a huge following if you have the right following.” This approach ensures that your marketing efforts are targeted and effective.

Actionable Tip:
Regularly review and adjust your social media strategy to prioritize engagement and quality interactions over mere follower counts. Consider implementing features like interactive polls, live sessions, or community challenges to foster deeper connections.

2. Aligning Business Operations with Personal Strengths:

Deb believes that recognizing and utilizing one’s strengths is essential for success and satisfaction in business. She advises, “If you don’t like to write, you shouldn’t be writing every day. Maybe podcasts or videos are more your style.” This strategy helps entrepreneurs focus on what they excel at and enjoy, leading to better content and less burnout.

Actionable Tip:

Take an inventory of your skills and preferences. Adjust your daily business tasks to those that align with your strengths. For instance, if you are more articulate verbally than in writing, shift your content strategy towards video or audio mediums.

3. Embracing Your Unique Business Identity:

“It’s important to be different to stand out,” Deb points out, underscoring the value of distinctiveness in a saturated market. By embracing what makes you unique, you can carve out a niche that attracts clients who are looking for your specific approach and offerings.

Actionable Tip

: Develop and promote a brand narrative that highlights your unique skills, background, or approach. Use your uniqueness as a selling point in all your marketing materials to attract clients who value what only you can offer.

4. Simplifying Complex Processes:

Deb is a proponent of streamlining business processes to avoid overcomplication. “I’m all about simplifying and sticking with one path throughout,” she remarks. Simplification can help clarify your offerings and make your business more approachable to clients.

Actionable Tip:
Evaluate your workflows and identify any redundant or overly complex processes. Simplify these processes by removing unnecessary steps and focusing on efficiency. This could mean automating certain tasks or reducing the number of products or services offered to hone your focus.

3. Focusing on Meaningful Client Interactions:

Deb values genuine interactions over transactional relationships. Building real connections with your audience can lead to deeper loyalty and more sustained business growth.

Actionable Tip:
Make a conscious effort to engage with your clients or customers as individuals. Show genuine interest in their needs and feedback, and provide personalized responses whenever possible. This strategy not only enhances client satisfaction but also builds a loyal community around your brand.

6. Using Strengths to Guide Content Creation:

Knowing and applying your personal strengths can significantly influence your choice of content and platforms, according to Deb. “This knowledge can guide you through the types of content you're putting out there,” she explains, making your marketing efforts more natural and effective.

Actionable Tip:

Align your content strategy with your strengths. If you are a strong visual thinker, lean into creating graphic content or video. If you're great at live interactions, consider frequent live streaming or interactive Q&A sessions to engage your audience.

7. Maintaining Energy and Creativity:

For creative individuals, maintaining enthusiasm is crucial. Deb notes that traditional methods of consistency don’t always suit creative types, who may need variety to stay motivated. “You have to keep moving and I can be organized to a point, but it drives me nuts,” she shares.

Actionable Tip:
Introduce flexibility and creativity into your routine. This could involve changing your work setting, experimenting with new project management tools, or alternating between different types of tasks to keep your days fresh and exciting.

Final Thoughts From Deb:

Applying these seven actionable tips from Deb Monfette can significantly enhance both the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and your enjoyment of the work. Tailoring your business practices to align with your personal strengths and the evolving landscape of your industry can help you build a more resilient and successful enterprise.

To find gaps in your business and to take Deb's quiz, click here...


0:00 Introduction

3:03 Unique Qualities and Superpowers

4:57 Mindful Attraction Marketing Process

07:39 The Power of the Quiz

09:26 Join Our Community

10:24 Adapting to Changes in Social Media

12:30 Embracing Your Strengths

14:34 Discovering Your Path as an Introvert

17:03 Importance of Mentorship

18:49 Defining Success Beyond Financial Metrics

20:38 Impacting Others and Helping Them Succeed

20:46 Conclusion and Contact Information


In this episode of the Invisible Marketer Podcast, I sit down with Deb Monfette, a business and creative coach who discusses her unique process of mindful attraction marketing. Deb shares how she helps businesses close the gap in their marketing by focusing on how they think, what they offer, and how they communicate it. She emphasizes the core desires of entrepreneurs, including the need to grow, feel like they belong, and feel valued. Deb introduces her self-discovery quiz, "What's Your Number One Marketing Genius for Attracting Clients," which helps individuals identify their strengths as business owners.

Deb explains the three core elements of business action, creating experiences, and educating clients, highlighting the importance of aligning these with individual strengths. She emphasizes the significance of knowing oneself as a business owner, citing the impact it can have on attracting the right clients and improving various aspects of the business. Deb shares testimonials of individuals who have found success by understanding their strengths and aligning them with their business activities.