Discover The Secrets To Launch Your Podcast To An Audience Ready To Listen Without The Overwhelm With The Podcast Launch Pad.

Watch The Video Below For A Sneak Peak Inside...

**Make sure the sound is turned on**

Get everything I've learned that has taken me from being a huge introvert to being able to launch a podcast in 30 days.

✅ How to Launch Your Podcast (Free Training)

✅ Podcast Launch Toolkit (Step By Step)

✅ 30 Day Podcast Growth Sprint

✅ Get Access To Networking & Live Events

Plus You can UNLOCK these bonuses:

🎁 Live Q&As 2x Per Month

🎁 Podcast Accelerator Coaching

🎁 VIP Ticket to Podcast Summit

Here Is A Look Inside The Classroom!

Here Is A Look Inside The Classroom!

Get everything I've learned that is taken me from being a huge introvert to being able to launch a podcast in 30 days.

✅ How to Launch Your Podcast (Free Training)

✅ Podcast Launch Toolkit (Step By Step)

✅ 30 Day Podcast Growth Sprint

✅ Get Access To Networking & Live Events

Plus You can UNLOCK these bonuses:

🎁 Live Q&As 2x Per Month

🎁 Podcast Accelerator Coaching

🎁 VIP Ticket to Podcast Summit

Here Are Some Of The Bonuses Just For Joining👇

Fearless Blueprint

This course will teach you how to overcome the misconceptions and false beliefs that are holding you back through a four step process:

⪼Identifying Your False Beliefs

⪼Discovering the Root Cause
⪼Determining What Is It Costing You

⪼Reframing Your Mindset


30 Day Sprint

This course will challenge you to go outside your confort zone by empowering you to take one step outside your comfort zone every single day.

⪼Post On Social Media For 30 Days

⪼Get Clarity On Your Messaging

⪼Network With Others

⪼Learn How To Use AI In Content Creation


About Coena

Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Coena, and I'm on a thrilling journey from the corporate world to entrepreneurship. The idea of forging my path, pursuing my passions, and achieving financial independence has always been a driving force for me. I understand the challenges of balancing job, family and a business and all the responsibilities that comes along with that. I aim to share my experiences, insights, and learnings as I navigate the complexities of building a personal brand and growing a business. It's not just about the successes but also about embracing the journey as you go through it.

Join me as I share practical tips, strategies, and resources on overcoming fears, establishing a thriving business, and achieving work-life balance. Together, let's create a supportive community where we can learn, grow, and inspire each other to reach new heights.Full Width